Congratulations to those who made their First Reconciliation!
First Reconciliation Preparation
First Reconciliation is usually celebrated with 2nd grade age children here at St Joseph Parish, before students celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and 1st Eucharist.
If you have a student of any age who is ready to prepare for this sacrament of forgiveness and mercy, please call the parish office at 509-926-7133 or email Gina McCauley at [email protected].
About First Reconciliation
Reconcilation is a beautiful way in which we celebrate God's forgiving love for each of us and our reconciliation with our community of faith. We may ( and do!) sin...yet God always welcomes us back wholeheartedly.
Preparation for Reconciliation is open to anyone who has reached the age of reason. Again, the preparation series includes sessions for parents and children to help deepen each candidate's understanding of the sacrament.
Readiness for Reconciliation in a candidate includes:
Being able to distinguish right from wrong;
Knowing the difference between something which happens accidentally and something which happens on purpose;
Being sorry for sin;
Making a committment to do better, to change or reform his or her life.